Desire Fuels Unlimited Thoughts

-Harry Sequeira

Their father was a petrol pump attendant, yet the elder son now drives a Royce. They lived with their father in a chawl, now they reside in the penthouses of skyscrapers with distant views of the ocean. Their father had been selling some yarn in the textile markets, yet their sons market all the yarn you need in India and in other shores. Their father’s savings book had few savings, but the sons are shaving off the topmost layer of the economy. One would imagine that this should be enough no?

No, their unlimited thoughts may finally hound them to their graves.

Sri Krishna had warned thousands of years ago, that desire is endless, whatever the nature of the desire. The Rajasic forces take over and involve the soul to a restlessness that hounds it day and night. Each thought sprouts manifold branches and these in turn multitude of leaves. Each leaf contains the history of all the other desires. Thus a person with insatiable desires, figuratively, kills the soul, says Sri Krishna. (BG 16.11)

They are now richer than Croesus, yet they are still fighting for the “pots and pans”, figuratively speaking, that their father left for them. How to maintain these riches, now immeasurable, has spawned immeasurable thoughts, breeding more desires.
Sri Krishna had warned that money and riches can make a man as mad as a hatter! (This term or expression refers to a character in: ‘Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland), and generally refers to the characters that have gone off the border of mental sanity)
This tendency of a Rajasic mind is as evident in a zillionaire as in a peanut vendor. In varying degrees and measures, we all have it.
So Sri Krishna’s admonition against uncontrolled desires and his suggestion that we live a simple life and reduce our immeasurable wants and immeasurable thoughts, it will be tough going!!

Published in the December2011 edition of Yoga & Total Health Magazine


 John Kimbrough

The biblical teachings cover a number of mental and physical actions in addition to the life of Jesus Christ. A close examination will show that these teachings are similar in scope and practice to what we are taught in yoga.

There is an emphasis on action directed to oneself that is healthy and wise in Christianity which mirror the teachings put forth in the Niyamas (personal observances) of yoga.                                                                        

There is an emphasis placed on contentment, austerity, loving kindness and compassion in Christianity which mirror the Yamas (universal vows) and Brahmaviharas (higher actions) of yoga.

There is an emphasis on quiet contemplation and prayer in Christianity just as yoga is built around the silent and still practice of meditation.

To learn such things cannot in any way be bad or detrimental for an individual. In fact, those who have put forth any kind of sincere, consistent and diligent effort with yoga will tell us that they have become more mindful and that this has made them live a more skilful existence. It seems that God and Jesus would approve of and rejoice in such a thing.

Published in the June 2011 edition of Yoga & Total Health Magazine